On Saturday, as ex-President Donald Trump and running mate J.D. Vance came for a rally in Grand Rapids, demonstrators in Howell, about 90 minutes away, were at the I-96 and Latson Road overpass chanting, "We love Hitler, we love Trump," the Detroit Free Press reports.
In another part of the city, a group of about a dozen White supremacists chanted "Heil Hitler" during a march that lasted about a half hour. Their faces were covered, and they carried signs, as they gathered on the lawn of the Livingston County Historic Courthouse, the Freep reports. The publication said it was unclear if the two demonstrations were linked.
The Freep reports about the group of White Supremacists:
The demonstrators marched down Grand River Avenue to the lawn of the Howell Carnegie District Library before a library board member confronted them and told them to leave. They proceeded to their cars while being monitored by the Howell Police Department, which confirmed several of the demonstrators came from outside the community, including Saginaw and Macomb counties.
“Although we recognize their right to free speech, these demonstrators do not reflect the values of the Howell community,” the city wrote a statement, adding it joins the Livingston Diversity Council and Howell Area Chamber of Commerce in "(standing) united in condemning the group's racist ideology."
Deadline Detroit on Sunday sent a message for comment to "the office of Donald Trump." There was no immediate response.
State Rep. Bob Bezotte, R-Howell, of Michigan’s 50th House District, condemned the messaging, according to the Livingston Daily. He attended the Grand Rapids rally.
“That’s very disgraceful to our World War II veterans, especially the families and loved ones. .. Thousands of people died for our freedom, and for them to do that is very disgraceful,” Bezotte told The Daily.
Bezotte, a Vietnam War veteran, said he fought “against that type of oppression.”
“Anybody who does that should be ashamed of themselves."
Meshawn Maddock, who served as co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party from 2021 to 2023, responded to Deadline Detroit for comment in a text:
"Paid actors from Alex Soros (George Soro's son) do NOT represent anyone from the Trump campaign or any of us who can’t wait to vote for President Trump in November. The Dems are a dumpster fire of infighting and Republicans have never, ever been MORE united. As for Biden legacy? FJB. Glad he is finished and look forward to Trump burying Kamala forever."
When asked if she had evidence of Alex Soros's involvement, she wrote:
"Soros loves to pay for agitators. All I know is not a single Trump supporter I know and I know a 1000 would never ever support anything Hitler. It’s ridiculous."